Louis Armstrong Plays WC Handy
1997, Sony, $9.98
Reissue of 1954 recording of Louis Armstrong playing and singing
WC Handy’s hits including Memphis Blues and St Louis Blues; also
includes interview with Handy
Lost Sounds:
Blacks and the Birth of the Recording Industry 1891-1922
2 discs, 2005, Archeophone Records, $32.99
Dance rhythms, minstrel tunes, vocal groups, pre-blues and pre-jazz
African-American music
Before the
Blues: The Early American Black Music Scene
3-volume series, Yazoo, 1996 Entire series $35.96, individual volumes
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Shouts, jug bands, rags, breakdowns and shuffles
Deep River
of Song: the Alan Lomax Recordings. Mississippi--Saints and Sinners
1999, Rounder Select, $16.98
Pre-blues including work songs, bad man ballads, quills and other
ancient instruments
Deep River
of Song: the Alan Lomax Recordings. Black Appalachia--String Bands,
Songsters and Hoedowns
1999, Rounder Select, $16.98
Early African American music including string bands and ballads
WC Handy’s
Memphis Blues Band
1994, Memphis Archives, $13.99
Handy’s early instrumental rags and blues from recordings
made in 1917and 1922
The Big
Broadcast: Jazz and Popular Music of the 1920s and 1930s
2006, Rivermont, $18.98
Dance music, blues, jazz; compilation from Rich Conaty’s Sunday
night old time music broadcast on WFUV